Fourth and Toast

📢 a local group for speakers 📢

Afraid you’ve hit a plateau in public speaking?

Want to break beyond what your thought your limits were?

You’re invited to join our public speaking group — which uses new techniques to help you improve your skills aggressively & rapidly.

Who are we?

We’re a group of Rochester (Minnesota) area people who’ve been meeting every week to practice public speaking since 2019. In a 30-minute weekly meeting, we’ll help you get the precise feedback you need to improve.

How much does it cost?

It’s totally free. (We do this to keep getting better ourselves… and because it’s fun!)

When does it meet?

📅 Day: Wednesday mornings

🕗 Time: 8:05–8:35am

📍 Venue: Collider Coworking in downtown Rochester (here’s a map)

📍 Also: on Zoom!

What happens at a meeting?

Each Wednesday you’ll hear one big speech (5–7 minutes), and a bunch of small impromptu ones.

You’ll give feedback and get feedback on the One Thing you most want to improve. You’ll get personalized tips and tricks to make your speeches more wonderful.

(Heck, maybe you’ll even make friends. We have!)

Is there, like, a theme?

We switch ‘em frequently. Presently:

What do you REALLY do in your profession?

What are the techniques you use?

One is “WOOT” — we Work On One Thing. (You choose a single skill you most want to improve, and we give you immediate feedback on it.)

Another is tweaking, tweaking, tweaking. (We commonly repeat a speech to try out the feedback we got the first time.)

How good do I have to be at speaking?

We specialize in helping people who are already accomplished speakers identify their weaknesses, and blow past them.

But if your knees shake whenever you step onto a stage, you’re welcome to come start becoming better! (We all started at that level, and can offer empathy and support.)

Where should I park?

Oh, anywhere downtown — a number of us park in the Third Street Parking Ramp (here’s a map). There’s almost always room, and parking for under an hour is free.

But also: Zoom!

Is there toast?

Alas, there is no toast (unless you bring some).

Then why the name “Fourth and Toast”?

Oh, the usual silly reasons — it’s sort of like a Toastmasters club, and once upon a time in a building on Fourth Street.

Why is this on “”?

No reason, except that websites are expensive, and we already bought this one.

(We really should get a separate domain & website for this. We really should.)